Downtime? Easy Path to Learning By Building!

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many of us to stay isolated and at home, but that's OK! I genuinely enjoy developing software and wanted to take this opportunity to focus on learning. Having some downtime has afforded me to try putting together a system that I otherwise might not have explored building. In this article, I'll share different aspects about an application I'm building that purposefully put me outside of my comfort zone. In my opinion, having downtime is an opportunity to learn and grow! It's time to take advantage of that. When the app and system is ready to showcase I'll share more insight into what's actually being built! The Client Framework The application being built was intended to run on multiple mobile platforms, so Xamarin was my choice here. I have briefly used Xamarin several years ago, but…


Migration – Weekly Article Dump

Migration: Bye to the Pi Well... it happened. If you checked in earlier this week, you might have noticed Dev Leader was completely down on Thursday. Quite a bummer... but the show must go on. Migration to a new host was necessary, but that wasn't without some hiccups. For me, having a site hosted was still a pretty new process. I had tried it a couple of times before, but running a web server that I controlled always felt better. Just more control I suppose. Migration started off sort of sour where I was required to re-install Wordpress on my host a few times due to some technical difficulties... And of course, it was hard to sit still while I knew my site was down. Once I finally had Wordpress launched, the only part of the migration that went smooth…


Host Migration… Hang In There!

Well this is super embarrassing... But I had to do an emergency host migration from my Raspberry Pi to a more reliable service. It appears as though my Raspberry Pi is no longer with us. Quite a shame. Anyway, my apologies for the downtime. Hang in there! EDIT: Getting closer... I think all the posts are back up... New theme... I'm busy re-configuring plugins and then I have to go try and update all the missing graphics. Ugh. On the bright side, the site should be about 5x faster. EDIT2: Just fixed up a handful of pictures. Not totally jazzed to go through them all right now, but I at least updated my popular articles. It's definitely been a treat getting back up and running.


Raspberry Pi + WordPress => A Beginners Guide to PiPress

In the past, I've dabbled a bit with hosting my own server on a spare outdated box that likely should have been thrown out. My least favourite thing to do is sit down and tinker with trying to get services and such configured so that they all work together... But once it's working, it's glorious. Enter the Raspberry Pi. Earlier this year I decided I wanted to get a Pi. Why? I wasn't too sure... But they're cheap and nothing bad could come of it :) Once I got the thing up and running I was reading about how people were using them. Hosting a Wordpress site was definitely one of the uses, so I figured I'd try my hand at that. There are other guides on The Internet about how to do this, but this is what got me up…


Git + Google Code + Windows

Just a quick one here because I'm hoping it will benefit a person or two. I'd like to start by stating I've always been a Windows user. I don't like using Macs and I don't like using *nix. Why? It's just my preference, and I'll leave it at that (I don't have an emotional attachment to Microsoft or anything, I'm just well versed with Windows). Anyway... I was recently trying to get a Google Code page setup for one of the postings I wrote. However, being a Windows user made things pretty difficult. Here's how I solved my problem: Install GitExtensions (I already had this installed, because I use this for everything) Created my google code account and created my project. Changed my google code account permissions to allow my GMail credentials when pushing. You can do that here. Navigate…


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