ProjectXyz: Why I Started A Team For My Hobby Project

Who Needs A Team?! I've been building RPG backends for as long as I've been able to code. I think my first one that I made for my grade 11 class is the only RPG that I "finished"... It was text-based and all you could do was fight AI via clicking attack, buy better weapons, level up, and repeat. It was also 10000 lines of VB6 code and so brutal that I couldn't add anything to it without copying hundreds of lines of code. Since then, I've had the itch. I keep rewriting this thing. I keep taking "Text RPG" (super cool and catchy, I know) and rewriting it. I had my first visual representation of this game called Macerus (here's another rewrite for unity), which is actually how I landed my first co-op job. But every time I'd get…


Doubling Down: My Specific Strategy

I recently wrote about how and why I'm looking into doubling down on my strengths to improve a weakness, and I figured it would be a great follow-up to try and explain the specifics of my strategy. It's an interesting learning opportunity for me, so why not share it with those that are interested? The format of this post is really just to call out the specifics of some strategies I'm looking at exploring when building the brand for my vehicle to help with sponsorship opportunities. Reach Outside Core Audiences This one shouldn't be a shock to you if you're familiar with this blog already. It's primarily aimed at programming, leadership in a tech environment, and self-reflecting as a means to improve. One of my goals is to explore attracting other audiences that might have a bit of overlap with…

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Double Down On Your Strengths!

Double Down: Why I'm Working This I haven't written in a while, and despite setting a goal for myself to start writing more, I'm not going to kick my own butt over not getting around to it. Actually, if anything my priorities and goals have been evolving over the past while and it's been a great growing opportunity. Previously, I wanted to start up writing again to work on my ability to self-reflect. In all honesty, other factors came into play and this started to happen more naturally without forcing myself into writing more. Now that my goals are changing again, I'm realizing that I need to come up with some creative solutions for addressing them. For total transparency, one of my hobby goals is creating a brand for my show car, Ignantt. It's a fun hobby of mine, and…


How to Refocus: Getting Back in the Groove

Identifying when you need to refocus It happens to everyone at some point to varying degrees, for various reasons, and at different times in our lives--but it'll happen! You hit a period or a rut where you can't keep your focus on continuing to be successful (and I'm over-generalizing that for a good reason). Maybe this means you can't focus at work to perform at an optimal level. Maybe you're falling off the diet you've been working hard on. Maybe your training in the gym or for your sport is taking a hit because your head isn't in the game. Maybe you find yourself unable to hit the books studying or completing your projects in school. It can look different for everyone. There are a bunch of different little warning signs that things aren't quite on track and you need…


v6.2 of IEF from Magnet Forensics! – Weekly Article Dump

v6.2 Release: Mobile Forensics Upgrade I like to be able to use these weekly article dumps for little summaries of what's going on in my work life, and I think this is a perfect opportunity to acknowledge our latest product update at Magnet Forensics. We just pushed out v6.2 of Internet Evidence Finder and we're incredibly proud of the work we've done. Like any release we have, we pour our hearts into making sure it's a few big steps forward. We've done our best to listen to customers and work with them to address any bugs, but we're always trying to push the boundaries in our features. Some of the new offerings in v6.2 of Internet Evidence Finder include: Dynamic App Finder: We now offer a solution for recovering mobile chat applications that we may not have otherwise supported. This…

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