Microsoft: Welcome to Your New Future!
2020 involved a career change that wasn't something I was planning. At the end of August, I started my adventure with Microsoft.
2020 involved a career change that wasn't something I was planning. At the end of August, I started my adventure with Microsoft.
Burn Out I had a lot of really positive feedback from my friends and family after writing about my experiences of going through burn out. If you haven't read the post, check it out here. I've done some article summaries on the topic of burn out before, but I feel like it's probably a good topic to bring up again in light of my recent post. For a bit of background, burn out is a process that can occur to an individual that's dedicating too much time to a particular activity. It leads to an imbalance in terms of what his or her time is put towards and can result in a person feeling depressed without any energy. Wikipedia does a pretty good job of summarizing it in one quick sentence: Burnout is a psychological term that refers to long-term…
Disclaimer I wanted to write this post to share my honest and personal experiences with burn out in the software and startup scene. I'm hoping that my experiences with getting to a stage of burn out can help someone identify if they're going through the same thing. Hopefully someone will be able to take preventative actions before things get too serious, like I've been able to do. I'd also like to point out that I absolutely love my job (you'll be reminded of that in my post) so my experience might be biased in some ways because of that. If I didn't love what I do, I'd be finding another job where I did. What is Burn Out? In my earlier days at the company I work for, I remember my HR manager talking to me about burning out. It's…
Your New Job Title Congrats! You did it! You finally have that new job title you've been working so hard towards! Let's be honest with each other here--you were working hard for the title, not because you just wanted to see your company flourish with all the hard work you were putting in. Of course that wasn't bad or anything, it was just a nice side effect of you getting your new job title. Some great things happened once you received your new job title too! Your responsibilities shifted so now nobody can come after you when your pesky clients are complaining about your sales process, when your code won't compile into your finished product, or when employees are having conflicts in the workplace. You're literally only responsible for the two new tasks that you have attached to your job…